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Our Mission

The Christ Child Society of South Bend
is a nonprofit association of volunteers dedicated to supporting under-resourced families in our community by providing children’s clothing, supporting education, and offering resources to affirm the human dignity of God’s children
in the love and spirit of the Christ Child.

-Christ Child Society of South Bend Mission Statement

Since 1947, the primary project of the Christ Child Society in South Bend has been to provide new winter clothing to economically disadvantaged children from newborn through age fourteen without consideration of religion or ethnic factors. Currently our services include layettes, winter clothing for children, clothing and other items for children entering foster care, and a number of educational services.

The Christ Child Society of South Bend is run entirely by volunteers: almost 400 members in all. Even though we are affiliated with the National Christ Child Society, the South Bend Chapter receives no funding from them. We receive no government or United Way funding either. All of our projects are supported through fundraising efforts and through donations.

The Christ Child Society of South Bend was founded in connection with the Roman Catholic Church but is not operated, supervised or controlled by it. We are a separate and unique organization with a secular community designation of being a charitable (501(c)(3)) organization that provides clothing and other services for any at-risk infant or child that qualifies regardless of race, creed, or color. Any member of the community regardless of race, creed, or color that wishes to pay dues is welcome to join the Christ Child Society of South Bend. Access to our programs and services does not require any religious affiliation or participation in religious activities of any kind. The mission of our organization does not include proselytizing, attempting to convert, advocating religious practices or adhering to particular beliefs. Donations received by the Christ Child Society of South Bend support services for children in need only.

The Christ Child Society of South Bend wants to avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest.  Members cannot use their affiliation with Christ Child to obtain a financial benefit for themselves, their families or for businesses with which they are affiliated. Financial benefit includes, but is not limited to, using the purchasing power of the Society to obtain goods for personal use.

The Christ Child Society of South Bend is responsible to its members and donors for the appropriate use of all money donated to it.  If any member or employee has information as to misuse of such funds, or of the auditing or financial reporting of such funds, he/she can make a complaint to the Society.  Such a complaint can be made anonymously. The complaint should be made to the immediate past president of Christ Child Society of South Bend, Sue Seall, at or the chair of the audit committee, John Farrell, at and they will investigate the matter. The Christ Child Society of South Bend will not take any adverse actions against  persons who submit complaints in good faith.